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18 Quantitative Economics

Ragnar Frisch, the first president Of the ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY [http://www.econometricsociety.org/] envisioned the society as promoting studies that aim at the unification Of t...

www.qeconomics.org www.qeconomics.org/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

10 Quantitative Economics

Ragnar Frisch, the first president Of the ECONOMETRIC SOCIETY [http://www.econometricsociety.org/] envisioned the society as promoting studies that aim at the unification Of t...

qeconomics.org qeconomics.org/ojs/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

2 Research In Applied Economics

Research in Applied Economics (RAE) is a peer-reviewed international online Journal published by Macrothink Institute. It publishes papers in applied Economics broadly defined...

rae.macrothink.org www.macrothink.org/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

0 Bradford-delong.com

Grasping Reality with the Neural Network Of a Moderately-Intelligent Cephalopod; His Semi-Daily Journal... QUOTE: Daniel Davies: "It's not so much 'marking your views to marke...

delong.typepad.com www.bradford-delong.com/index.rdf