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7 Nerds With Knives

Cooking and geekery in equal measure

nerdswithknives.com nerdswithknives.com/feed/

1 Comments For Nerds With Knives

Cooking and geekery in equal measure

nerdswithknives.com nerdswithknives.com/comments/feed/

0 Fdny

Do you feel a bit wiser now that you’ve come through the 2009 financial crisis? Do you have a plan or a resolution for the new year? Perhaps you are bracing for another toug...

www.wnyc.org www.wnyc.org/feeds/tags/fdny

0 Not Precisely Harmless

AO3 classical musician. plays with Knives. likes Cooking, eating, and running (which makes room for more food). southerner. there’s a sleeping cat around here somewhere.

fake-jungle-oboe.tumblr.com fake-jungle-oboe.tumblr.com/rss