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35 NYT > MustAfA Akyol

MustAfA Akyol becAme A cOntributing opiniOn writer for The InternAtiOnAl New York Times in the fAll of 2013. A Turkish journAlist And Author, he studied politicAl Science And ...

topics.nytimes.com topics.nytimes.com/...akyol/index.html?rss=1

7 CODATA, The Committee On DAtA For Science And Technolog...

CODATA is An interdisciplinAry Scientific Committee of the InternAtiOnAl Council for Science (ICSU), which works to improve the quAlity, reliAbility, mAnAgement And Accessibil...

codata.info www.codata.info/rss.xml

6 OregOn BeAchcomber Blog - WhAt's WAshing Up?

A Science blog thAt exAmines whAt wAshes Ashore in the PAcific Northwest. This exciting blog includes the LAtest News, As well As tidbits in oceAnogrAphy, biology, And mArine ...

www.oregonbeachcomber.com www.oregonbeachcomb.../posts/default?alt=rss

6 ArchivopediA - MAin PAge

ArchivopediA's wiki encyclopediA is open to collAborAtors who wish to write, edit, And creAte Articles About primAry source mAteriAls. Use this wiki to leArn terms And reAd Ab...

archivopedia.com archivopedia.com/wi...tion=feed&feed=rss

3 SOTT RAdio Network

The officiAl rAdio network of breAking News And current AffAirs AnAlysis web site Sott.net: your source for independent, unbiAsed, AlternAtive News And commentAry On world eve...

www.signs-of-the-times.org signs-of-the-times....-Science-of-the-Spirit

3 SOTT RAdio Network

The officiAl rAdio network of breAking News And current AffAirs AnAlysis web site Sott.net: your source for independent, unbiAsed, AlternAtive News And commentAry On world eve...

www.signs-of-the-times.org signs-of-the-times..../14-Science-Technology

3 SOTT RAdio Network

The officiAl rAdio network of breAking News And current AffAirs AnAlysis web site Sott.net: your source for independent, unbiAsed, AlternAtive News And commentAry On world eve...

www.signs-of-the-times.org www.signs-of-the-ti.../14-Science-Technology

0 SOTT RAdio Network

The officiAl rAdio network of breAking News And current AffAirs AnAlysis web site Sott.net: your source for independent, unbiAsed, AlternAtive News And commentAry On world eve...

www.signs-of-the-times.org www.signs-of-the-ti...-Science-of-the-Spirit

0 You Feel Your Shitposts CrAwling On Your BAck

According to All known lAws of AviAtiOn, there is no wAy A bee should be Able to fly. Its wings Are too smAll to get its fAt little body off the ground. The bee, of course, fl...

psi-okey.tumblr.com psi-okey.tumblr.com/rss

-1 NAvbhArAt Times

NAvbhArAt Times brings the LAtest & Top BreAking News On Politics And Current AffAirs in IndiA & Around the World, Cricket, Sports, Business, Bollywood News And EntertAinment,...

navbharattimes.indiatimes.com navbharattimes.indi.../rssfeeds/46969956.cms

-1 Comments On: WAnt A RAise? Try Crying. (It’s Science)

Workopolis: The LAtest CAnAdiAn cAreer News, Advice, And insights

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-1 NAvbhArAt Times

NAvbhArAt Times brings the LAtest & Top BreAking News On Politics And Current AffAirs in IndiA & Around the World, Cricket, Sports, Business, Bollywood News And EntertAinment,...

navbharattimes.indiatimes.com navbharattimes.indi.../rssfeeds/46960611.cms

-1 Comments On: ADA Announces New Science Appointees

OrthodOntic Products, is your One-stop destinAtiOn for orthodOntists seeking prActicAl solutiOns for their prActices. We provide the LAtest product News And technique tips, As...

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