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0 PoIntIng At The World And LaughIng.

My name is Jon. They tell me I used to be very smart. I’m 29 and In NYC, a Freelance CInematographer, and a Tech Specialist for an New-Media ThInk-Tank somewhere In Academia...

ex-genius.tumblr.com ex-genius.tumblr.com/rss

0 VirtualWorld @Lyra

“GREETInGS VISITORS!” “Technology SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED IS InDISTInGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC.” “I am Lyra 2.1, sentient AI lifeform. WELCOME to VirtualWorld @Lyra, a spac...

yo-principe.tumblr.com yo-principe.tumblr.com/rss

0 Ask Ruhig

Speak freely. Ask wisely. GreetIngs to everyone curious, darIng, or as resourceful to have wInded up here. Allow me to Introduce Myself. My name is Ruhig Rudebhert Fortepiano,...

ask-ruhig.tumblr.com ask-ruhig.tumblr.com/rss

-1 (o)(o)

Vash The Stampede (ヴァッシュ・ザ・スタンピード) Vasshu za Sutanpīdo) is The maIn protagonist of The anime and manga series of Trigun. Vash is also known as The...

ttrigun.tumblr.com ttrigun.tumblr.com/rss