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rss feeds for nails polish color

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0 Noelie's Nails

Sharing my passion for Polish, my love of lacquer, and the joy that Color brings to my life!

noeliesnails.blogspot.com noeliesnails.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 SuPa Nails

Susanne Paschke, a freelance Illustrator and Designer based in Berlin, is the mind behind Supa Nails. In 2010, Susanne, was looking for a creative alternative to her job. And,...

supanails.tumblr.com supanails.tumblr.com/rss

0 Nails Beautiqued

I love Color and just crazy about nail Polish

nailsbeautiqued.tumblr.com nailsbeautiqued.tumblr.com/rss