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3 Splashing Paint » Rocky Mountains

Paintings, photograph's and thoughts Of a wandering artist

splashingpaintblog.com splashingpaintblog..../rocky-mountains/feed/


Artwork and musings Of Les Lull. My work is an attempt communicate the everchanging play Of light on natures landscape. The Paintings are a commitment to an evolutionary proce...

leslull.blogspot.com leslull.blogspot.co.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 All The Hemispheres

My name is Jesse. I was born and raised in Northern California’s high Sierras. To this day, the Mountains are where I feel most at home; where I can hear the voice Of my Cre...

allthehemispheres.tumblr.com allthehemispheres.tumblr.com/rss