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rss feeds for pottery games

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0 Hi I'm Erin

Schooled and worked in the Bay Area, now lives and makes art for Games in Seattle. I also doodle and make Pottery! I reblog art stuff, animals, the occasional silly post, and ...

midderin.tumblr.com midderin.tumblr.com/rss

0 I'm A Bird Hear Me Scree

^Sup, I’m Kristin. I’m a 18 year old, bossy aspiring potter and this is my blog, which means it is basically all fashion and Pottery. German and Fine Arts Studio major at ...

nexpavuxta.tumblr.com nexpavuxta.tumblr.com/rss

0 Julie Brister

I am Julie Brister. I’m an actor, writer and improv teacher living in Los Angeles. I’m writing a novel. I like campfires, strong coffee, board Games, super spicy Thai food...

juliebrister.tumblr.com juliebrister.tumblr.com/rss