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13 Nebula AwaRd Acceptance Speech FoR Best Novel-Annihilat...

**A place to discuss published SF**—novels, shoRt stoRies, comics, images, and moRe. Not suRe if a book is SF? Then post it! Science Fiction, Fantasy, Alt. HistoRy, Postmode...

www.jeffvandermeer.com www.reddit.com/r/pr...e_speech_for_best/.rss

10 FReethought: Scientific PuRsuit Of The TRuth.

FReethought is an open foRum dedicated to Rational, logical and scientific examination of cultuRe, politics, Religion, Science, business and moRe! FReethinkeRs Reject claims a...

reddit.freethoughtpedia.com www.reddit.com/r/Freethought/.rss

1 Science

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/science/.rss

0 CRusades : Psychology

A Reddit community foR the shaRing, and discussing, Science-based psychological mateRials.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/ps...s/1zaz5t/crusades/.rss

0 The InteRnet And Real Relationships : Psychology

A Reddit community foR the shaRing, and discussing, Science-based psychological mateRials.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/ps...eal_relationships/.rss

0 Science

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/science/.rss

0 The Dismal Science

News and discussion about economics, fRom the peRspective of economists.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/Economics/.rss

0 TRanscRanial DiRect CuRRent Stimulation

A subReddit foR discussing the Science, technology, constRuction, and use of noninvasive bRain stimulatoRs.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/tDCS/.rss

0 WateR: Policy, Science, ContRoveRsy, Issues, HydRology

Devoted to the Science and politics of wateR: aquifeRs, dams, hydRology, boundaRy disputes, peak wateR, RipaRian Rights, stoRmwateR, gRoundwateR, fish kills, fossil wateR, and...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/water/.rss

0 AskScience: Got Questions? Get AnsweRs.

Ask a Science question, get a Science answeR.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/askscience/.rss

0 PLOS Science Wednesday: We’Re Sten VeRmund And Akhena...

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/sc..._sten_vermund_and/.rss

0 Science AMA SeRies: Hi, I Am David "Why ShaRks MatteR" ...

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/sc..._david_why_sharks/.rss

0 The InteRnet And Real Relationships : Psychology

A Reddit community foR the shaRing, and discussing, Science-based psychological mateRials.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/ps...eal_relationships/.rss

0 WoRks, Life And MaRshmallows: IteRative Design : Psycho...

A Reddit community foR the shaRing, and discussing, Science-based psychological mateRials.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/ps..._iterative_design/.rss

0 AmeRican Association Of School LibRaRians (AASL) : Scie...

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/sc...l_librarians_aasl/.rss

0 The Relationship Between EmeRging Technology And Psycho...

A Reddit community foR the shaRing, and discussing, Science-based psychological mateRials.

www.reddit.com www.reddit.com/r/ps...ng_technology_and/.rss

0 PLOS Science Wednesday: I'm DR. Andy Beck, Open Access ...

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.t.co www.reddit.com/r/sc...dr_andy_beck_open/.rss

0 DR_Andy_Beck Comments On PLOS Science Wednesday: I'm DR...

The Science subReddit is a place to shaRe new findings. Read about the latest advances in astRonomy, biology, medicine, physics and the social Sciences. Find and submit the be...

www.t.co www.reddit.com/r/sc...beck_open/cql08ya/.rss