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rss feeds for songs about birds

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0 Joel_meyerowitz

If you hear whale Songs today, you might be getting a massage or a facial. Some recordings of humpback whales feature slow melodies soothing enough for spa soundtracks. But in...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/joel_meyerowitz

0 (jôr'dn) (lee) (smĭth)

HTTYD/Pokéblog. Eternally grounded for instigating sadness About things involving dads and dragons. Better than being eternally dead, I guess. Birds are pretty neat. I write ...

lostvox.tumblr.com lostvox.tumblr.com/rss

0 Moriarty's Network

Miescha, 24, female. This is a fandom blog. There will probably be a lot of BBC Sherlock stuff. But music puns are good too. And gaming stuff. And movies. And turtles. And bir...

gimmemormor.tumblr.com gimmemormor.tumblr.com/rss

0 Cats13swift

Taylor followed 08/29/15, Random Autobiography Poem: My Life so Far: I love Taylor, Mere, and Dibbles. I have felt the spray of the ocean with sand at my feet. I have awakened...

cats13swift.tumblr.com cats13swift.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Chainsmoke Kansas Flashdance Asspants

gross awful 20-something thinks and occasionally talks About things and stuff. expect lots of Birds, reptiles, insects, other naturey things, and occasional music and fandom j...

passumbapper.tumblr.com passumbapper.tumblr.com/rss