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17 Teen Librarian Toolbox

Pprofessional development for Teen Librarians

www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com/feed/

9 Teen Librarian Toolbox » » LGBTQIA+

Pprofessional development for Teen Librarians

www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com www.teenlibrarianto....com/tag/lgbtqia/feed/

5 Teen Librarian

libraries, Teens, books, reviews news...

teenlibrarian.co.uk teenlibrarian.co.uk/feed/

2 Comments For Teen Librarian Toolbox

Pprofessional development for Teen Librarians

www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com www.teenlibrariantoolbox.com/comments/feed/

1 Comments For Teen Librarian

libraries, Teens, books, reviews news...

teenlibrarian.co.uk teenlibrarian.co.uk/comments/feed/

0 YA? Why Not?

A Teen Librarian Writes About Teen Reads

rockyriverte...n.wordpress.com rockyriverteenlibrarian.wordpress.com/feed/

0 Ordinarily Extraordinary

Hillary, your friendly neighborhood ginger Teen Librarian. Multifandom feminist. Bi/Pan

oracleanne.tumblr.com oracleanne.tumblr.com/rss

0 Run, You Clever Wholigan

I am Hogwartswitch on AO3Currently on semi-hiatus. I’m here occasionally - tag me or inbox me if you want me to see something.Warning: This blog is aggressively Johnlock/TJL...

cleverwholigan.tumblr.com cleverwholigan.tumblr.com/rss

0 Erstwhilegirl

Teen Librarian, sea witchshe/her

erstwhilegirl.tumblr.com erstwhilegirl.tumblr.com/rss

0 Skipping Through The Stacks..

Adventures of a Teen Librarian.

skippingthro...s.wordpress.com skippingthroughthestacks.wordpress.com/feed/

0 Mel's Books And Info

A Teen Librarian Shares Her Love of Books

bookgirl-mel.blogspot.com bookgirl-mel.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 So Many Fandoms, So Little Time…

I’ll go total fangirl on you about Dr. Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, Big Bang Theory, Firefly/Serenity, The 100, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hunger Games, Star Trek, ...

harpistin221...lley.tumblr.com harpistin221bwinchesteralley.tumblr.com/rss

0 Librarian By Day

reviews and other babble about Teen literature.

librarianbyday.blogspot.com librarianbyday.blog.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 I Won't Grow Up!

Formerly DamnGoodCumberbatch and TheAngelsHaveTheImpala• 27 • Christian • Queer • Connecticut • Future Librarian • Desperately want to move to Britain • Whovian ...

angelofgallifrey.tumblr.com angelofgallifrey.tumblr.com/rss

0 Librarian Awesome

I am an Adult and Teen Services Librarian. I post stuff on libraries, books, reading, astronomy, feminism, science, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

gourdblossom.tumblr.com gourdblossom.tumblr.com/rss

0 RIPL Teen Book Reviews

I’m Emily, the RIPL Young Adult Librarian. Looking for ideas about what to read next? Try one of these books!

ripl-teen-bo...iews.tumblr.com ripl-teen-book-reviews.tumblr.com/rss

0 Wait 'til You See This Poncho

Librarian and cardigan enthusiast without any actual cats. Enjoys short walks to the 7 Eleven and pictures of beaches on Instagram. Posts a lot of Captain Marvel and Teen Wolf...

alexscat.tumblr.com alexscat.tumblr.com/rss

0 Kingsbridge Library Teens

This tumblr is an ongoing project of the Kingsbridge Library’s Teen Advisory Group, maintained by our intrepid young adult Librarian. Our library is located in the Bronx, an...

kingsbridgel...eens.tumblr.com kingsbridgelibraryteens.tumblr.com/rss

0 Vellichor

Rena, 29. Not my real name, but I’ll answer to it. Or Sarah. ~*~ My website. ~*~ Pansexual. ~*~ Sometimes I write, sometimes I draw. ~*~ The Dean to my Cas. Stuff about her ...

rena-librarian.tumblr.com rena-librarian.tumblr.com/rss