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2 NeoAcademIc

technology, EducatIon And TraInIng research from an IndustrIal/organIzatIonal (I/O) psychologIst In the Ivory tower

neoacademic.com neoacademic.com/feed/

0 Drones

The topIcs range from knowIng our bodIes — explorIng the mysterIes of "lost posture" And how well your ears can pIck up audIo qualIty — to storIes of our tImes, such as sa...

www.wnyc.org www.wnyc.org/feeds/tags/drones

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumblr.com/tagged/iwitness/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumblr.com/rss

0 FIndIng Balance

ACE CertIfIed personal traIner as of May 2013 And PhysIcal EducatIon major. Here you wIll fInd my ramblIngs about TraInIng, beIng an actIve And health mInded student, tIps, tr...

my-trainer-tiffany.tumblr.com my-trainer-tiffany.tumblr.com/rss

0 I Ran Towards The ClIff WIth No Fear

Hey, my name Is StacIa. she/they, pan, demI. Fan of anIme, comIcs, justIce, And comedy. I talk polItIcs on the fIrst date. I advocate sexual EducatIon. LIke hella. USE CONDOMS...

sjewels19.tumblr.com sjewels19.tumblr.com/rss

0 Where My Scales SlIther

All Images are © to myself unless otherwIse sourced And you do not have permIssIon to repost, alter, or use any of the Images. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS My name Is Heather. ...

wheremyscale...ther.tumblr.com wheremyscalesslither.tumblr.com/rss

0 My Pack Of Poodles

Welcome to my pack of Poodles! We have IsIs, Storm, And Apollo!Other blogs apawsschubert (about a ServIce Dog In TraInIng named Schubert that I used to puppy raIse) thatpoodle...

thepoodlepack.tumblr.com thepoodlepack.tumblr.com/rss

0 Let's Talk About Sex!

ThIs Is a teen-run blog desIgned to Inform young people about safer sex! I am not an expert but have TraInIng In sexualIty EducatIon And I want to share my knowledge And gIve ...

be-safe-be-informed.tumblr.com be-safe-be-informed.tumblr.com/rss

0 FemDom HotwIfe Cuckold InterracIal

The Ten PrIncIples of FemDom: 1. Respect for Women 2. SubmIssIon to Female AuthorIty 3. ServIce to MIstress 4. ObedIence TraInIng & DIscIplIne 5. Tease & DenIal 6. DIscomfItur...

femdomhotwif...cial.tumblr.com femdomhotwifecuckol...rracial.tumblr.com/rss

0 Haven From CalamIty

“By ourselves we’re no one. It’s when other people look at us And see someone… that’s the moment we each start to exIst.” – Joshua (TWEWY) In KH3D. “If you dwe...

tewr-monkeyofmetal.tumblr.com thekingoforzammar.tumblr.com/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumb.../post/116671503877/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumblr.com/tagged/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumb.../post/116653583507/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumblr.com/post/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumb.../post/113932854507/rss

0 VoIce Of WItness

VoIce of WItness (VOW) Is a non-profIt dedIcated to fosterIng a more nuanced, empathy-based understAndIng of contemporary human rIghts crIses. We do thIs through 1) our oral h...

voiceofwitness.tumblr.com voiceofwitness.tumb.../post/115399857637/rss