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22 Sample Gallery Feed - Sorted By: Popularity, Sort Order...

This is the RSS search feed for the MSDN Samples Gallery. This feed contains notifications of new items on the MSDN Samples Gallery site based on your search criteria.

code.msdn.microsoft.com code.msdn.microsoft...3/site/feeds/searchRss


Graphic design and Visual creativity in videogame culture. A blog by Daruma Studio. Since 2010.

www.gameandgraphics.com gameandgraphics.com/rss

5 VisualHG

Mercurial source control provider plugin for MS Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual Studio 2008 and MS Visual Studio 2010.

visualhg.codeplex.com visualhg.codeplex.com/project/feeds/rss

0 Richard_serra

Spark: How Creativity Works [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0061732311/studi360-20] doesn't hit bookshelves until February 15.  But to get you in the mood, we've got ...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/richard_serra