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0 El Último Hogar

David. 22. Seville (Spain). Psychologist Ψ. Single for the love, taken by the beer. I love Books, sci-fi, fantasy, Warhammer, painting my miniatures, role playing games (like...

notienedesperdicio.tumblr.com notienedesperdicio.tumblr.com/rss

0 Tears In The Rain

I am a 27 year old guy from the UK who likes many a thing: This includes Heavy Metal music, movies, TV shows, beautiful girls, gaming, Science Fiction and many other fascinati...

another-flaw...sign.tumblr.com another-flawed-design.tumblr.com/rss

0 Http://curicon.tumblr.com/

Welcome to a world built by collectors for collectors. Curicon is the New home of the collector, geek and pop-culture fanatic. A fast growing browsable library of collectables...

curicon.tumblr.com curicon.tumblr.com/rss