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rss feeds for bizarro comics

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0 Mondo Bizarro

I’m Jessi. I post about Comics, film, horror/cult, sci-fi, fantasy, feminism, devils hockey and peculiarities. I also post about my puppy a lot so get used to that.

harlequinnade.tumblr.com harlequinnade.tumblr.com/rss

0 BizarroBlog

Daily blog by Dan Piraro, creator of the syndicated cartoon, "Bizarro." Comics, art, photos, thoughts, nouns, verbs, etc. Please enjoy responsibly.

bizarrocomic.blogspot.com bizarrocomic.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Eee! Tess Ate Chai Tea!

Random Page, Anybody? “The best comic book reviews on the internet!” – All Other Internet Comic Book Reviewers. Comic Book Reviews for the mentally unhinged.Non-Comic Bo...

tessatechaitea.tumblr.com tessatechaitea.tumblr.com/rss