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25 How To Use The Mechanical MOOC (To Make Big Courses Tha...

Hey! If you found This Thread IT is likely because you've been poinTed here by HTTps://gIThub.com/p2pu/mechanical-mooc/. If noT, no problem, you can find The code for The mech...

thepeople.p2pu.org community.p2pu.org/...-dont-feel-big/437.rss

19 Discourse DevelopmenT ConTribuTion Guidelines

## EnvironmenT Before you begin hacking on Discourse, you need To seT yourself up wITh a good developmenT environmenT. Discourse as Your FirsT Rails App is a greaT sTarTing po...

meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org/...on-guidelines/3823.rss

19 The Edgeware Blog

RSS feed for The Edgeware Blog

info.edgeware.tv info.edgeware.tv/Bl...+low+latency

15 Can'T InsTall Or UpdaTe Packages

I was able To insTall and updaTe package a while ago, buT suddenly I'm geTTing The following error when I Try To insTall/updaTe a package: ``` gyp info IT worked if IT ends wi...

discuss.atom.io discuss.atom.io/t/c...date-packages/1623.rss

13 Rep Of The MonTh - March 2015

Hello Fellow Reps, Join me in welcoming our 2 new Reps of The MonTh for March, [Ibrahima SARR][1] and [Faisal Aziz][2] for Their inspiring conTribuTions To The Reps program. I...

discourse.mo...a-community.org discourse.mozilla-c...th-march-2015/1877.rss

11 New Domain, "War For NosgoTh," RegisTered By Square Eni...

HTTp://Www.neogaf.com/forum/showThread.php?T=512519 Ladies and genTlemen, IT looks like This may be IT.

nosgoth.yuku.com nosgoth.yuku.com/to...ss/source/lead/id/6569

10 How To Password ProTecT Individual Pages Or Folders Usi...

AT The momenT, IT is noT possible To password proTecT individual pages or folders using Webflow. However, This has been a requesTed feaTure and we hope To include IT as an opT...

forum.webflow.com forum.webflow.com/t...sing-htaccess/9281.rss

10 PosTing Guidelines For The Need Help CaTegory

Have a design or code relaTed quesTion? We're happy To help! CreaTe a new Thread and leT members of The Webflow communITy (sTaff included) help you ouT. Please include The fol...

forum.webflow.com forum.webflow.com/t...help-category/8094.rss

9 Announcing WPChaT AMAs, And Our FirsT GuesT!

You may have heard of AMAs (sTanding for "Ask Me AnyThing") from ReddIT. [Here's an example of MaTT Mullenweg's][1], in case you're noT familiar wITh The formaT. There are ple...

wpchat.com wpchat.com/t/announ...ur-first-guest/571.rss

8 1a - How To LisTen To Music In This Course

#Find A QuieT Space To LisTen As you prepare for Play WITh Your Music, we suggesT ThaT you find a consisTenT, quieT spoT To engage wITh The course maTerials and recordings fr...

community.pl...thyourmusic.org community.playwithy...in-this-course/116.rss

8 2a - ProjecT: LisTen Like A Producer And Engineer

OVERVIEW In This module, you’ll be inTroduced To Techniques for idenTifying insTrumenTs, sound sources, and vocal Timbres [HTTp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbre] (e.g., gu...

community.pl...thyourmusic.org community.playwithy...r-and-engineer/117.rss

8 4a - ProjecT: Exploring And LisTening To Music MulTITra...

OVERVIEW The fourTh module of #PWYM is designed for you To apply The crITical lisTening skills you developed in The beginning of The course To explore mulTITrack recordings ...

community.pl...thyourmusic.org community.playwithy...c-multitracks/1607.rss

8 3a - ProjecT: LisTening For Musical STrucTures

OVERVIEW In This module, you'll be inTroduced To Techniques for how To lisTen for musical sTrucTure over Time in a recording. We'll build on The perceived space graph from M...

community.pl...thyourmusic.org community.playwithy...al-structures/1313.rss

8 FAA: MoneTizing Your Drone Videos Is Illegal

There is an arTicle on [Vice](HTTp://moTherboard.vice.com/read/The-faa-says-you-canT-posT-drone-videos-on-youTube) ThaT sTaTes The FAA has come ouT To say ThaT you can'T uploa...

community.tvnweather.com community.tvnweathe...eos-is-illegal/157.rss

6 Announcing WPChaT AMAs, And Our FirsT GuesT!

You may have heard of AMAs (sTanding for "Ask Me AnyThing") from ReddIT. [Here's an example of MaTT Mullenweg's][1], in case you're noT familiar wITh The formaT. There are ple...

wpchat.com wpchat.com/t/announ...ur-first-guest/571.rss

5 In The Buddha’s Words

**NoTe:** This posT is reproduced from [Dhamma Wheel](HTTp://dhammawheel.com/viewTopic.php?f=25&T=14640#p279487). This posT gives links To freely-available versions of The suT...

discourse.suttacentral.net discourse.suttacent...-buddha-s-words/29.rss

5 FasT Food HuT

A FasT Food NosTalgia and Review Blog ( funcTion() { if (window.CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = { 'unITs' : [] }; }; var unIT = {"callType":"async[2]","publisher":"g...

fastfoodhut.com fastfoodhut.com/rss

5 Rep Of The MonTh - March 2015

Hello Fellow Reps, Join me in welcoming our 2 new Reps of The MonTh for March, [Ibrahima SARR][1] and [Faisal Aziz][2] for Their inspiring conTribuTions To The Reps program. I...

discourse.mo...a-community.org discourse.mozilla-c...th-march-2015/1877.rss

3 Jesus, Kirk And Vinny

Hi, I’m VincenT “Vinny” Van Gogh…arTisT, mad man, dead guy. I live wITh James T Kirk and Jesus in The CITy of IndusTry–where we preTTy much jusT waTch TV all day. Th...

jesuskirkandvinny.com jesuskirkandvinny.com/rss

3 5a - Balancing A Mix

Before we can geT inTo The fun parT of mixing, before we dive inTo any effecTs (FX), we have To geT The foundaTion of The mix righT, and ThaT begins wITh balancing The mix. T...

community.pl...thyourmusic.org community.playwithy...lancing-a-mix/1650.rss