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26 Moon Of Alabama

And must have whiskey - Oh, you know why

www.moonofalabama.org www.moonofalabama.org/index.rdf


"If my poetry aims to achieve anything, it's to deliver people from the limited ways in which they see and feel" J.M. Love Street "She lives on Love Street, Lingers long on Lo...

morphine-guy.skyrock.com morphine-guy.skyrock.com/rss.xml

0 The Stars, The Moon

life is not a spark in space. my name is tyler and i dwell in the hellish state Of Alabama. howdy y'all. i’m 21, and here we’ll all watch me attempt to avoid any and all a...

sexuallytran...tige.tumblr.com sexuallytransmittedprestige.tumblr.com/rss

0 By The Power Of The Moon, I Will Pun-ish You!

Attention: If you are a porn blog, do not follow me. Do not reblog my pics if you are a porn blog. Just go away. I’m not here for you.I’m Kiry (she/her/hers) nb queer femm...

kirythestitchwitch.tumblr.com kirythestitchwitch.tumblr.com/rss