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1 Chameleon Web Services

Why compromise on quality? Just pay less for it! We are a Midlands based bespoke internet company based in Birmingham and have been offering a wide variety of websites to va...

robots-txt.c...bservices.co.uk www.chameleonwebservices.co.uk/rss-feed.xml

0 OhThePlacesYou'llGo

So this is the part where I tell you a little about myself.. Writing. Poetry. Literature. Socrates. Music. Manga. Pop Culture All round. Law Student.If I was to describe mysel...

captain-shanks.tumblr.com captain-shanks.tumblr.com/rss

0 Weird

I’m a poet, I just don’t feel comfortable putting my poetry on the Internet since it isn’t copyrighted yet and I don’t want people to steal it. Anyways, I love to read...

nightmarepoet.tumblr.com nightmarepoet.tumblr.com/rss