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rss feeds for science conspiracy

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28 HotWhopper

Global warming and climate change. Eavesdropping on the deniosphere, its weird pseudo-Science and crazy Conspiracy whoppers.

blog.hotwhopper.com blog.hotwhopper.com.../posts/default?alt=rss

14 Skeptic Ring

The Skeptic Ring consists of sites that examine claims about paranormal phenomena and fringe Science from a skeptical point of view. These sites believe that such claims shoul...

www.webring.org www.webring.org/hub/skeptic;rss

14 Skeptic Ring

The Skeptic Ring consists of sites that examine claims about paranormal phenomena and fringe Science from a skeptical point of view. These sites believe that such claims shoul...

www.webring.org www.webring.com/hub/skeptic;rss

10 Terahertz » Conspiracy Theories

Science and compassion for a better world

terahertzatheist.ca terahertzatheist.ca...spiracy-theories/feed/

7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

USMessageBoard.com is the premiere United States Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Politics, US Affairs, Congress, Stock Market, Economy...

www.usmessageboard.com www.usmessageboard.com/forums/-/index.rss

7 Lazer Horse » Science

NATURE / ART / Conspiracy / ODDITIES

www.lazerhorse.org www.lazerhorse.org/category/science-2/feed/

6 The Straight-A Conspiracy

The Straight-A Conspiracy: Your Secret Guide to Ending the Stress of School and Totally Ruling the World is a fun, cartoon-filled book that uses the latest Science to dispel t...

www.thestraightaconspiracy.com www.thestraightacon.../posts/default?alt=rss

3 Comments On: Conspiracy Theories On C4 News: Homeopaths...

Truth, falsehood and evidence: investigations of dubious and dishonest Science

www.dcscience.net www.dcscience.net/2...opaths-desparate/feed/

0 Melissa Graves

A veteran writer of fan fiction, Melissa Graves’ stories have thousands of followers. At age 13, she wrote her first work of fan-based fiction, and by age 16, had met her fu...

tmblr.co msmelissagraves.com/rss

0 Venger's Old School Gaming Blog

This blog is an eldritch melange of savagery, super-Science, and sorcery! Are you a devotee of neo-OSR, paper and pencil, tabletop roleplaying games like Call of Cthulhu, Vamp...

vengersatanis.blogspot.com vengersatanis.blogs.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 ❺ⓔⓂⓔⓃ ❺ⓅⓔⓇⓜ❺

SeMeNPeRmS.com SeMeN SPeRmS ¡sɯɹǝds ,uıʞɔnɟɹǝɥʇoɯ uǝɯǝs$=666, 12", 13, 2 Live Crew, 45’s, 50 Cent Toy Machines, 60’s Biker Soundtracks, 60’s Biker Cultur...

semensperms.tumblr.com semensperms.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Truth Is In Me

sadie . 25 . usa . writer . lesbian . perennial survivor hobbies and interests include: Science, long walks on lunar surfaces, television, scary movies, amazing books, redhead...

imgoddamnplu...mber.tumblr.com imgoddamnpluckyremember.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Small Town Called Earth

Free Mind on: Military History and Strategy, Alkmaar, Jeugdzorg, Sharks, the Universe, Conspiracy, Science, Science Fiction, Humor, Freemasonry, Vrijmetselarij, Birdwatching, ...

patricksinot.blogspot.com patricksinot.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Anne's Anti-Quackery & Science Blog

A Skeptical View of Alternative Treatments and Medical Misinformation, PseudoScience, Myth, Conspiracy, Intelligent Design, Religion, Critical Thinking, Science and the Scient...

amr2you.blogspot.com amr2you.blogspot.co.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Pleasure & Pain

19 × leo × demisexual computer Science in Berlin always a slut for aliens and Conspiracy theories

victim-of-catch-22.tumblr.com victim-of-catch-22.tumblr.com/rss

0 You Feel Your Shitposts Crawling On Your Back

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, fl...

psi-okey.tumblr.com psi-okey.tumblr.com/rss

0 Korn101292

  NSFW. Gay porn - not the main focus… But I’ll post what I want! Anime, Art, Cartoons, Conspiracy theories, Science, Politics, Technology, personal things.  

kirasaysakujo.tumblr.com kirasaysakujo.tumblr.com/rss

0 Spirituality & Science

Consciousness, universe, enlightenment, Extraterrestrials, Quantum Physics & Mechanics,Metaphysics, Scientific theories, Conspiracy and more. As an Indigo child i’m here to ...

phenex-sirius.tumblr.com phenex-sirius.tumblr.com/rss

0 Introduction To Chaotic Blogging

Massimiliano: 24, nerd, serial addicted, and whatever. Previously known as senselessreprise.Warning: I post and reblog A LOT of Community and Doctor Who stuff, so deal with it...

paradigms-of...mory.tumblr.com paradigms-of-a-time...-memory.tumblr.com/rss