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34 Food & Water Watch - Factory Farming & Food Safety

Factory farming is an unsustainable method of raising food animals that squeezes large numbers of chickens or livestock into one facility. In order to keep the animals under t...

www.foodandwaterwatch.org www.foodandwaterwat...g/taxonomy/term/5/feed

34 Food & Water Watch - Corporate Control Of Water

Water is essential for life, but increasingly, it is viewed as a source of windfall profits. This is unacceptable; access to clean water should not be based on who can pay the...

www.foodandwaterwatch.org www.foodandwaterwat...g/taxonomy/term/4/feed

21 United States Institute Of Peace - Nigeria

Nigeria’s historic presidential vote of March 2015 may prove to be a milestone for African democracy. The peaceful transfer of power opens new prospects for the continent’...

www.usip.org www.usip.org/taxonomy/term/48/feed

21 United States Institute Of Peace - Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s fragile Government needs continued outside support as fighting with Taliban insurgents intensifies and the economy stalls with a reduced international presence...

www.usip.org www.usip.org/taxonomy/term/52/feed

18 FMS Financial Connection

The Financial Connection contains a mix of narrative, tables, and charts on Treasury issues, Federal financial operations, international statistics, and special reports such a...

www.fms.treas.gov www.fms.treas.gov/finconn.xml

13 Advocate.com - Health

Discover the Health section of The Advocate, where readers can find the latest news on medicine, fitness, mental and physical wellbeing, scientific developments, and diseases ...

www.advocate.com www.advocate.com/taxonomy/term/33426/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | Afghanistan W...

An Afghan Mi-17 comes in to land at the Afghan National Army’s Forward Operating Base Eagle in Qalat in 2015​. Photo: Department of Defence   Overview The War in Afghanis...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/889/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | The Michael A...

The Michael and Deborah Thawley Scholarship in International Security at the Lowy Institute, Sydney, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, pro...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1186/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | India-Austral...

Overview Australia’s relationship with India has undergone considerable evolution in recent years, developing along a positive track since a difficult point in 2009. Existin...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/937/feed