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13 Arabian Humanities

Consacrées à la péninsule Arabique et à la Corne de l’Afrique, les Chroniques yéménites sont une revue annuelle en langues française et arabe, éditée depuis 1993 pa...

cy.revues.org cy.revues.org/backend?format=rssnumeros

13 Arabian Humanities

Consacrées à la péninsule Arabique et à la Corne de l’Afrique, les Chroniques yéménites sont une revue annuelle en langues française et arabe, éditée depuis 1993 pa...

cy.revues.org cy.revues.org/backend?format=rssdocuments

13 Taumazo | Art And Design Blog

Taumazo Contemporary culture and Creativity blog.Daily collection of visual arts, Literature, indie-rock and electro music, cinema, photography, architecture, design, fashion,...

www.taumazo.com www.taumazo.com/rss

12 Masterpiece | PBS Video

As the longest-running primetime drama on American television, MASTERPIECE celebrates its 40th-anniversary season in 2011, bringing viewers the best in Literature-based drama,...

video.kcts9.org video.kcts9.org/program/masterpiece/rss/

12 Masterpiece | PBS Video

As the longest-running primetime drama on American television, MASTERPIECE celebrates its 40th-anniversary season in 2011, bringing viewers the best in Literature-based drama,...

video.cpt12.org video.cpt12.org/program/masterpiece/rss/

11 International Festival Of Authors

Bringing together the world’s best writers of Contemporary Literature

www.ifoa.org ifoa.org/feed

10 Archipelago Books

Contemporary & classic international Literature

archipelagobooks.org archipelagobooks.org/feed/

10 Archipelago Books

Contemporary & classic international Literature

archipelagobooks.org archipelagobooks.or...ruggle-book-four/feed/

9 Before Columbus Foundation » American Book Awards

Nonprofit educational and service organization dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Contemporary American multicultural Literature since 1976. Host of the annual Am...

www.beforeco...sfoundation.com www.beforecolumbusf...ican-book-awards/feed/

9 Before Columbus Foundation

Nonprofit educational and service organization dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Contemporary American multicultural Literature since 1976. Host of the annual Am...

www.beforeco...sfoundation.com www.beforecolumbusfoundation.com/feed/

7 REORIENT - Middle Eastern Arts And Culture Magazine » ...

REORIENT is a magazine celebrating Contemporary Middle Eastern arts and culture

www.reorientmag.com www.reorientmag.com/category/books/feed/

5 International Festival Of Authors » Participants

Bringing together the world’s best writers of Contemporary Literature

www.ifoa.org ifoa.org/participants/feed/

5 International Festival Of Authors » Podcasts

Bringing together the world’s best writers of Contemporary Literature

www.ifoa.org ifoa.org/podcasts/feed/

4 Carbon Culture Review RSS Feed

* All paying submitters will receive a free digital issue of CCR. WE ARE OFFERING A $1000 AWARD FOR CCR'S FIRST POETRY FILM PRIZE IN 2015--WITH NO ENTRY FEE! [http://carbonc...

carboncultur...submittable.com carbonculturereview.submittable.com/rss

3 Living With Literature

Classical and Contemporary Literature in the modern age.

livingwithliteraturee.com livingwithliteraturee.com/feed/

3 Women, Identities And Culture

 ● FIND AN ARTICLE [http://wic-journal.dcthink.org/index.php/wic-journal/search]           ● Online First Articles [http://wic-journal.dcthink.org/index.php/wi...

wic-journal.dcthink.org wic-journal.dcthink...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

3 The Ghost Story

Ghost Stories in Literature, Folklore & Contemporary Culture

www.theghoststory.com www.theghoststory.com/feed

3 Comments On: Karl Ove Knausgaard Interview With Scott E...

A nonprofit press devoted to Contemporary & classic world Literature

archipelagobooks.org archipelagobooks.or...h-scott-esposito/feed/