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33 Ginger's Guide To Life & Other Important Stuff

Patron saint of snark…haver of ALL the feels. What can I say about myself that doesn’t sound like something a PR person wrote it for me? Wait, I’m cooler than any PR fir...

www.missgingerlee.com www.missgingerlee.com/rss

18 Built On A Weak Spot

BOAWS was started in 2006 and has been around in some shape or form since then. You’ll find that the site focuses primarily on the rock side of things (noise, indie, post-pu...

boaws.org boaws.org/rss

14 NC5 - About Us

News Tips 615-248-5250 News tips, press releases and questions about the newscast can be directed to newsroom@newschannel5.com. For questions related to the CBS network, go ...

www.jrn.com www.scrippsmedia.co...annel5/about/index.rss

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | Lowy Institut...

About the Lowy Institute Media Award The annual Lowy Institute Media Award recognises Australian journalists who have deepened the knowledge, or shaped the discussion, of inte...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/856/feed

7 Login Problems

Sorry for posting this in the wrong thread, but at least it's the right subforum and an open thread. Why has my e-Mail Address been banned?

www.refugees.bratfree.com www.refugees.bratfr....php?9,261189,type=rss

5 The Good Men Project RSS Feed

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By submitting your work through this program, you are granting The Good Men Project the rights to edit, publish, and promote your work. Promotion of your...

goodmenproject.submittable.com goodmenproject.submittable.com/rss

4 Carbon Culture Review RSS Feed

* All paying submitters will receive a free digital issue of CCR. WE ARE OFFERING A $1000 AWARD FOR CCR'S FIRST POETRY FILM PRIZE IN 2015--WITH NO ENTRY FEE! [http://carbonc...

carboncultur...submittable.com carbonculturereview.submittable.com/rss

4 Knowledge Management For Development Journal

Updated: 11 May 2015 The May 2015 issue (11.1) of the Knowledge Management for Development Journal is dedicated to: "Facilitation for development. Concepts, practices and appr...

journal.km4dev.org journal.km4dev.org/index.php/km4dj/feed/rss2

3 The Conspiracy Zone

DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS WEBSITE AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE FOR FREE FUTURE UPDATES!!! Your e-Mail Address will NOT be shared with anyone!---- Learn more about: alien, ...

theconspirac...dcastpeople.com theconspiracyzone.podcastpeople.com/rss/xml

3 We Stand With Shaker

Shaker Aamer is free! At lunchtime on 30 October 2015, Shaker Aamer arrived back in the UK from Guantánamo, where he had been held for just over 5000 days, despite being firs...

www.westandwithshaker.org westandwithshaker.org/rss

2 Noblepigwine.com Crown Club

With exclusive Crown Club membership, you will automatically receive a 2, 4, 6 or 12 bottle shipment of our limited-production wines, two times a year upon release. With y...

www.noblepigwine.com noblepigwine.com/./...rss=Product,membership

2 Noblepigwine.com Crown Club

With exclusive Crown Club membership, you will automatically receive a 2, 4, 6 or 12 bottle shipment of our limited-production wines, two times a year upon release. With y...

www.noblepigwine.com www.noblepigwine.co...rss=Product,membership

1 580 Split RSS Feed

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TRANSCENDENCE. Beyond. Beyond the physical realm. Beyond what’s deemed normal. Beyond what’s considered possible. Beyond even our conception of re...

580split.submittable.com 580split.submittable.com/rss

1 Scopeout.net

Concert photography, artist interviews, music promotion All photos are copyrighted. If you would like to use one, or get an un-watermarked version please contact me at j.scope...

scopeout.tumblr.com scopeout.tumblr.com/rss

0 American Horticultural Society Photo Contests

Our themed photo contests are a great way to show off your garden and plant-related images! The best ones appear in our AHS e-Bulletin! Please don't hesitate to invite any Fli...

www.flickr.com api.flickr.com/serv...-us&format=rss_200

0 The American Horticultural Society Photo Contests Pool,...

Our themed photo contests are a great way to show off your garden and plant-related images! The best ones appear in our AHS e-Bulletin! Please don't hesitate to invite any Fli...

www.flickr.com api.flickr.com/serv...1108185@N25&lang=en-us

0 The American Horticultural Society Photo Contests Pool,...

Our themed photo contests are a great way to show off your garden and plant-related images! The best ones appear in our AHS e-Bulletin! Please don't hesitate to invite any Fli...

www.flickr.com api.flickr.com/serv...1108185@N25&lang=en-us

0 American Horticultural Society Photo Contests

Our themed photo contests are a great way to show off your garden and plant-related images! The best ones appear in our AHS e-Bulletin! Please don't hesitate to invite any Fli...

www.flickr.com api.flickr.com/serv...-us&format=rss_200

0 The Misadventures Of DrtySFGuy

Send me a message if you wanna chat….. THIS PLACE IS DEFINITELY NSFW content is not to be viewed by any person under 18 years of age (or the age of majority in your locale)....

drtysfguy.tumblr.com drtysfguy.tumblr.com/rss

0 Medium Aevum

Blog dedicated to the Middle Ages. Art, literature, architecture,music, general history, geography, warfare, way of living, language and culture… Enjoy! If you’d like to k...

mediumaevum.tumblr.com mediumaevum.tumblr.com/rss