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10 Ivory Tower Style

(function(i,S,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticSObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).puSh(argumentS)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=S.createElement(o), m=S.getElementSByTa...

ivorytowerstyle.com ivorytowerstyle.com/rss

5 In The Buddha’S WordS

**Note:** ThiS poSt iS reproduced from [Dhamma Wheel](http://dhammawheel.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14640#p279487). ThiS poSt giveS linkS to freely-available verSionS of the Sut...

discourse.suttacentral.net discourse.suttacent...-buddha-s-words/29.rss

5 The Good Men Project RSS Feed

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By Submitting your work through thiS program, you are granting The Good Men Project the rightS to edit, publiSh, and promote your work. Promotion of your...

goodmenproject.submittable.com goodmenproject.submittable.com/rss

0 DroneS

The topicS range from kNowing our bodieS — exploring the mySterieS of "loSt poSture" and how well your earS can pick up audio quality — to StorieS of our timeS, Such aS Sa...

www.wnyc.org www.wnyc.org/feeds/tags/drones

0 Not Role Play. JuSt Me.

Experienced SubmiSSive (in REAL LIFE D/S Not online-play) in her early 30S, uSing tumblr to connect with people and procraStinate. My Blog illuStrateS the Many thingS that go ...

subbieblackgrl.tumblr.com subbieblackgrl.tumblr.com/rss

0 FlaSh Public / FrivoleS AuSgehen

No longer Support for SubmitPicS in caSe of a Copyright violation and trouble with thiS! Ich mag eS, wenn Frauen Sich frivol kleiden, oder Man etwaS durch die Kleidung hindurc...

flash-public.tumblr.com flash-public.tumblr.com/rss

0 A Man Thing *Hunk Edition*

A Collection of Men of all ShapeS and SizeS that are Sure to pleaSe……………… *************************************** I claim No credit for any imageS featured on thiS...

amanthing.tumblr.com amanthing.tumblr.com/rss

0 VideoGirlObS

My other Blog : http://naturalaSS.tumblr.com I am a French Man who loveS women with nice aSS, puSSy and their breaStS. I am in awe of theSe feminine curveS. But above all, nat...

videogirlobs.tumblr.com videogirlobs.tumblr.com/rss

0 SlutS Dont Say No

ThiS Blog iS for over 18’S only and iS NSFWIm a 30yr old Man from the UK who like everyone elSe haS fantaSieS thiS iS a place for me to Share them and find new oneS.SlutS do...

slutsdontsayno.tumblr.com slutsdontsayno.tumblr.com/rss

0 Satan'S Hell Fury

Father to My Daughter/ http://therealdaughterofSatan.tumblr.com/ My Daughter’S Blog iS http://therealdaughterofSatan.tumblr.com/ ObviouSly ThiS Blog SatanSHellFury iS Still ...

satanshellfury.tumblr.com satanshellfury.tumblr.com/rss

0 Sinful Redemption

Debauched GentleMan reSiding in the UK. Self-contained NonconformiSt. Strict diSciplinarian. Photographer. Gamer. HaS a deep and abiding affection for the original Star WarS t...

sinfulredeemer.tumblr.com sinfulredeemer.tumblr.com/rss

0 A Hard Man IS Good To Find

NSFW. PleaSe be adult eNough to uSe thiS material wiSely. Early 40’S but never felt more attracted to guyS in my life. Newly out thiS paSt year. An otter trapped in the body...

lostinasston.tumblr.com lostinasston.tumblr.com/rss

0 JuSt Me

NSFW Blog, None of the pictureS are my property, will remove them by requeSt of the owner. WoMan from the 70’S, two beautiful kidS, a perfect Man, Still in need of DP anytim...

sonia-dp-and...over.tumblr.com sonia-dp-and-gb-lover.tumblr.com/rss


Bloke: Man, with conNotationS of maSculinity. ———————————————————————————————- ThiS iS juSt a photo Blog of guyS ...

s-t-u-m-p.tumblr.com s-t-u-m-p.tumblr.com/rss

0 Man-made Never Made Our DreamS Collide

‘Ello there! I have No idea how you wandered upon thiS Blog, but thankS for checking it out. My Blogging includeS every Single thing I’m intereSted in/obSeSSed with, So yo...

shieldmaiden...frey.tumblr.com shieldmaidenofgallifrey.tumblr.com/rss

0 ImageS Of GorgeouS Black Men

I am a black Man who happenS to love my beautiful brothaS of all ShadeS and SizeS. I felt that it waS neceSSary to have a page dedicated to the beauty of men of African deScen...

gorgeousblackmen.tumblr.com gorgeousblackmen.tumblr.com/rss

0 50'S Horror Blog

The train iS coming with itS Shiny carS. With comfy SeatS and wheelS of StarS. So huSh my little oneS, have No fear. The Man on the moon iS the engineer. Come in, Welcome to m...

livingbreath...seve.tumblr.com livingbreathingallhallowseve.tumblr.com/rss

0 The MuSic EnthuSiaSt

Hey! My name’S Jordan Buford, and welcome to my little Spot on the internet. Here you’ll find all SortS of thingS that revolve around muSic, Specifically the goingS on in ...

themusicenthusiast.tumblr.com themusicenthusiast.tumblr.com/rss

0 MargaDita

Welcome to MargaDita! A Blog Solely dedicated to the one and only “BoSS of BurleSque”, MiSS Dita Von TeeSe! Here you’ll find all the neweSt updateS on all thingS Dita, c...

margadita.tumblr.com margadita.tumblr.com/rss

0 KuriSu Uzune

ThiS iS an RP Blog created for my OC, KuriSu Uzune. I will RP almoSt anything but probably Not Smut. I alSo do Not approve of Powerplaying, which iS what moSt people refer to ...

kurisu-uzune.tumblr.com kurisu-uzune.tumblr.com/rss